The mission of the Clay County Travel & Tourism Committee is to promote Clay County as a point of destination in order to boost our economy. The Clay County Travel & Tourism Committee is made of individuals, approved by the Clay County Commissioners as per the Kansas statutes 122.16.101. The Clay County Travel & Tourism Committee is funded through bed-taxes, people who stay in Clay County motels. It is also funded through visa and mastercard travel services that provide surcharge card transaction fees to hotels, motels, and tour companies.
It is the responsibility of each committee member to promote, inform, and serve as the local community contact to answer all questions regarding the Clay County Travel & Tourism activities and process for funding.
There are two grants available. Click the link below to download the application which best fits your needs.
EZ Grant: Funding up to $300.00 (no requirment of beds used)
General Grant: Funding up to $1,500.00 (beds in Clay County must be used.)
The Clay County Travel & Tourism Committee meets the first Tuesday of the following months: February, April, June, August, October, and December. All grants applications must be submitted two weeks before the meeting prior to the event.
EXAMPLE: If your event is September 28th, your application should be submitted two weeks before the first Tuesday in August.
If the application meets the grant requirements, the Clay County Travel & Tourism Committee will agree to recommend the grant to the Clay County Commissioners who meet each Monday. The Clay County Commissioners make the final approval/denial on all grants.
If awarded a grant, all receipts must be submitted to back up the amount awarded. Failure to turn in all receipts could result in having to returnd the funds.
To be eligible for pass-through funding, applicants must meet the requirments that fulfill our mission statement.
Clay Center Area Chamber of Commerce, 517 Court Street, Clay Center, KS 67432, Work
(785) 632-5674, Andy Contreras, President
Ex-Officio Members:
Kayla Wang, Treasure - Clay Center
Cathy Haney - Clay Center
Belinda Eastmond - Clifton
Lanita Laffery - Clay Center
Linda Reed - Longford
Lori Huber - Clay Center
Clay County Travel & Tourism Committee:
Andy Contreras, President - Clay Center
VACANT, Vice-President - Clifton
Pam Spicer, Secretary - Clay Center
Rebecca Oglesby, Vining
VACANT, Clifton
Donna Fisher, Green
Jerry Patterson, Wakefield
VACANT, Wakefield
Patti Clark, Morganville
Wava Kramer, Longford